"When people think of people with disabilities, they always think in terms of limitations. They never think about the possibilities." - Toronto Blind Tennis player
"I was told that I didn't fit the 'demographic'. That scarred me after he said that. It is a reminder, that based on me being BLACK, I don't make the cut. This is the reason I coach now, so this doesn't happen to anyone of color." - founding member of Change Through Sport
2024 Le Pont - Refugee Claimants
Designed with Sport for Protection principles set out by the UNHCR Sport Strategy 2022-2026, this new initiative will be a sport and play-based skating collaboration between Change Through Sport and Le Pont, an organization that operates two residences for refugee claimants in Montreal and Laval, Quebec.
The goal is to support physical and psychological health and well-being for refugee claimants through the sport of skating. To accomplish this, we will leverage a beloved Canadian winter past-time to break social isolation and model an active life-style. Volunteers from the Greater Montreal Area are welcomed will welcome newcomers and skate alongside the refugee claimants to show them a few tricks about skating! Together, we will offer a fun outlet to decrease the stress for newcomers suffering from displacement and relocation.
Conçue selon les principes du sport pour la protection énoncés dans la Stratégie du HCR en matière de sport 2022-2026, cette nouvelle initiative sera une collaboration de patinage axé sur le sport et le jeu entre Change Through Sport et Le Pont, un organisme qui exploite deux résidences pour demandeurs d’asile à Montréal et Laval, au Québec.
L’objectif est de soutenir la santé physique et psychologique et le bien-être des demandeurs d’asile grâce au sport du patinage. Pour ce faire, nous tirerons parti d’un hiver canadien bien-aimé pour briser l’isolement social et modéliser un style de vie actif. Les bénévoles de la grande région de Montréal sont les bienvenus et accueilleront les nouveaux arrivants et patineront aux côtés des demandeurs d’asile pour leur montrer quelques astuces sur le patinage ! Ensemble, nous offrirons un exutoire amusant pour réduire le stress des nouveaux arrivants qui souffrent de déplacement et de réinstallation.